2022: Listed in the Ranking of the Top 2% of Most Cited Scientists in the World, 2021, Stanford University (USA) and Elsevier.
2021: Listed in the Ranking of the Top 2% of Most Cited Scientists in the World, 2021, Stanford University (USA) and Elsevier.
2018: Special Highlight Gaúcho Researcher Award – Science for the Reduction of Inequalities, FAPERGS.
2017: Capes Thesis Award 2017 – Public Health, CAPES.
2022: Listed in the Ranking of the Top 2% of Most Cited Scientists in the World, 2021, Stanford University (USA) and Elsevier.
2021: Brazilian Women Making a Difference, Embassy and Consulates of the United States in Brazil.
2021: Listed in the Ranking of the Top 2% of Most Cited Scientists in the World, 2021, Stanford University (USA) and Elsevier.
2020: Open Box of Science – Women in Science, Gender and Number Organization and Serrapilheira Institute.
2019: Emeritus Professor of UFPel, UFPel.
2018: Web of Science Highly-Cited Researchers List, Clarivate.
2018: Full Member of the Academy of Medicine of RS, Academy of Medicine of RS.
2022: Highlight XXIV ENPÓS UFPel – Graduate Meeting, 8th Integrated Week of Innovation, Teaching, Research, and Extension, UFPel.
2017: 1st place presented work at the XI CBAFS, XI Brazilian Congress of Physical Activity and Health.
2022: Listed in the Ranking of the Top 2% of Most Cited Scientists in the World, 2021, Stanford University (USA) and Elsevier.
2021: Listed in the Ranking of the Top 2% of Most Cited Scientists in the World, 2021, Stanford University (USA) and Elsevier.
2020: Gaúcho Researcher Award – Highlight in Health, FAPERGS.
2023: Conferred with the title of Grand Cross of the National Order of Scientific Merit, Presidency of the Republic of Brazil.
2022: Listed in the Ranking of the Top 2% of Most Cited Scientists in the World, 2021, Stanford University (USA) and Elsevier.
2023: Almirante Álvaro Alberto Award for Science and Technology, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MCTI) in partnership with the Brazilian Navy.
2021: Richard Doll Epidemiology Award 2021, International Epidemiological Association (IEA).
2021: Listed in the Ranking of the Top 2% of Most Cited Scientists in the World, 2021, Stanford University (USA) and Elsevier.
2020: CBMM Science Award 2020, Brazilian Metallurgy and Mining Company.
2019: Capes Thesis Award 2019 in the area of Public Health – thesis “Genetic and Epigenetic Aspects of Breastfeeding,” CAPES – Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel.
2019: Honorary President of the 39th Brazilian Congress of Pediatrics, Brazilian Pediatrics Association.
2019: Highly-Cited Researcher, Clarivate/Web of Science.
2018: Doctor Honoris Causa, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.
2018: Peter Muranyi Award (2nd place), Peter Muranyi Foundation.
2018: Fellow, UNESCO The World Academy of Sciences.
2018: Personality of the Year in the Health category, Hospital Fair and Forum 2018.
2017: John Dirks Canada Gairdner Global Health Award, Gairdner Foundation.
2017: Patricia Martens Annual Award for Excellence in Breastfeeding Research, Journal of Human Lactation, International Lactation Consultants Association.
2017: Sylvio Torres Medal, Foundation for Support of Research in the State of Rio Grande do Sul.
2021: Listed in the Ranking of the Top 2% of Most Cited Scientists in the World, 2021, Stanford University (USA) and Elsevier.
2019: Capes Thesis Award – 2019 Edition, in the area of Public Health, Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).
2019: Approval in 1st place in a public tender for the position of substitute professor in Epidemiology at the Federal University of Pelotas (Published in the D.O.U. on 21/05/2019, edition 96, section 3, page 98).
2018: Approval in 1st place in a public tender for the position of substitute professor in Epidemiology at the Federal University of Pelotas (Published in the D.O.U. on 31/12/2018, edition 250, section 3, page 59).
2017: Honorable Mention for coordinated communications “Early determinants of suicide attempts in young adults from a Brazilian cohort” at the X Brazilian Congress of Epidemiology, ABRASCO.
2022: Listed in the Ranking of the Top 2% of Most Cited Scientists in the World, 2021, Stanford University (USA) and Elsevier.
2020: Open Box of Science – Women in Science, Gender and Number Organization and Serrapilheira Institute.
2020: Researchers among the 2% most influential in the world in 2019, Stanford University.
2020: One of the three best papers presented at the VI Congress of Psychiatric Clinic, Psychiatric Clinic.
2019: Best paper (oral presentation) at the XII Brazilian Congress of Physical Activity and Health: Physical activity in 12-month-old children belonging to the 2015 cohort (Pelotas), Brazilian Society of Physical Activity and Health.
2019: 3rd Best paper (oral presentation) at the XII Brazilian Congress of Physical Activity and Health: Effect of physical activity on sleep: a population-based study with accelerometry, Brazilian Society of Physical Activity and Health.
2017: Best paper presented at the XI Brazilian Congress of Physical Activity and Health – Does an exercise intervention during pregnancy affect maternal and neonatal outcomes? Results from the PAMELA study, Brazilian Society of Physical Activity and Health.
2022: Listed in the Ranking of the Top 2% of Most Cited Scientists in the World, 2021, Stanford University (USA), and Elsevier.
2021: Listed in the Ranking of the Top 2% of Most Cited Scientists in the World, 2021, Stanford University (USA), and Elsevier.
2018: Investigator Award, Wellcome Trust.
2023: Recognition Award for a scholarship in Psychiatric Genomics Training, Psychiatric Genomics Consortium.
2020: For Women in Science Award, L’Oréal-UNESCO-Brazilian Academy of Sciences.
2019: CCM Incentive Research Award, Congress on Brain, Behavior, and Emotions.
2018: Registration Awards, XXII International Congress of Genetics (ICG).
2017: Special Tribute to Leading Figures in Brazilian Epidemiology, 10th Brazilian Congress of Epidemiology – ABRASCO.
2019: Certificate of Honor, Brazilian Association for the Control of Sexually Transmitted Diseases – SBDST.
2019: Walter Belda Medal, Brazilian Association for the Control of Sexually Transmitted Diseases – SBDST.
+55 (53) 3284 – 1300
Rua Marechal Deodoro, 1160 – 3° Piso
Bairro Centro – Pelotas, RS
Cep: 96020-220 – Caixa Postal 464