
Teses e Dissertações


Aluno:Maria del Pilar Vélez Gómez

Título: Estudo intergeracional do peso ao nascer e da idade gestacional na coorte de nascimentos de 1982, Pelotas, Brasil


Área de concentração:Epidemiologia do Ciclo Vital

Orientador:Iná dos Santos

Banca examinadora:Cesar Victora e Elaine Albernaz

Data defesa:22/11/2006

Palavras-chave:Estudo intergeracional; peso ao nascer; idade gestacional

Resumo dos Artigos:

BIRTHWEIGHT AND GESTATIONAL AGE ACROSS GENERATIONS: THE 1982 PELOTAS BIRTH COHORT STUDY794 women from the 1982 Pelotas Birth Cohort Study and their first singleton liveborn birth were selected to explore the association between maternal and offspring birthweight and gestational age, as well as to discriminate between confounders and mediating factors of these associations. Exposures were maternal birthweight and gestational age, low birthweight (LBW; <2500g), preterm birth (<37 weeks) and small for gestational age status (SGA; <10th percentile of Williams), to the respective outcomes in offspring.Information was gathered on potential confounding or mediating factors according to a hierarchical framework approach. A strong correlation coefficient was found between maternal and infant birthweight (r=0.18, p<0.001). An increase of 100g in mothers’ birthweight predicted a gain of 16g in their infants’ birthweight (95% CI 8.0, 24.0g; p <0.001). Maternal LBW was independently associated to offspring LBW, preterm and SGA status. SGA mothers had an increased risk of delivering a preterm newborn. Causal chain linking maternal LBW and SGA of the newborn was mediated by maternal pre-gestational weight (a proxy of malnutrition), a condition closely related to poverty. Thus, malnourished women are likely to give birth to LBW babies, perpetuating poverty in the subsequent generation. Addressing malnutrition helps break this vicious cycle and stop the intergenerational transmission of LBW, hence decreasing poverty and malnutrition in developing countries.

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Epidemiologia - Centro de Pesquisas Epidemiológicas